How to Pull a Great Perfect Espresso Shot
Follow this guide to produce a perfect shot of espresso. Producing great espresso is relatively easy with the right equipment, good quality coffee beans, and following the steps detailed below.
There are four key steps to pulling a great shot of espresso coffee:
Grind - the coffee beans
Dose - or measure out the ground coffee beans
Tamp - the group coffee beans into the filter holder
Extract - the coffee beans with pressurized water to produce the espresso coffee drink
Before you start making your espresso shot; make sure your espresso machine is up to temperature and your filterholder is cleaned and pre-heated. Also, remember to pre-heat the cup or glasses you will drinking out of by filling them with hot water.
Ground coffee texture is one of the most important factors in producing a great shot of espresso. You want to grind coffee fresh for each cup to minimize oxidation and make sure as much great coffee flavor makes its way into your espresso shot. Always use a burr grinder (flat or conical) to grind your coffee, blade grinders are useless. You want to finely grind the coffee to allow sufficient pressure to extract the coffee oil into your espresso shot.
"Grind your coffee too fine and result will be a slow extraction resulting in an over-extracted shot.... the taste can be bitter and burnt."
"Grind your coffee too coarse and the shot will extract fast resulting in an under-extracted shot.... the shot will have a weak crema, lacking body, and taste weak and watery."
The ground coffee texture you are looking for is somewhere between flour and sand. A good idea is to feel the coffee with your fingertips to adjust the grind before you start running shots from your machine. You can refine the grind by timing your espresso extraction. Ideally you are looking for an extraction time between 25 and 30 seconds.
"If the espresso extraction time is less than 25 seconds your grind is too coarse, you should adjust your grinder to a finer setting."
"If the espresso extraction time is more than 30 seconds your grind is too fine.... you should adjust your grinder to a more coarse setting."
The dose is the amount of ground coffee used to make your espresso shot. The correct dose for a single espresso is 7-9 grams of ground coffee or 14-18 grams of ground coffee for a double shot of espresso. The dose will depend on the particular coffee you are using. Some coffee beans work well with 7 grams, but with some blends you will see better results with 8 or 9 grams per shot. Experimentation is key. As a general rule a good place to start is to fill your double filter basket up, tap it on the bench to let the coffee settle, and level off inline with the top of the basket.
Tamping the coffee compresses the ground coffee together to provide "resistance" to the flow of water produced by the machine. This resistance results in the "extraction pressure" used to press the flavor out of the ground coffee into your drink. The harder you press the tighter the coffee will compress and the higher the extraction pressure.
"If you have ground your coffee quite coarse, more tamping pressure will be required to achieve the correct pressure for proper extraction of your espresso."
"Grind the coffee very fine ad you will need to ensure only light tamping pressure to ensure sufficient flow for proper extraction of your espresso."
Espresso extraction should produce a double espresso of 50-60ml in 25-30 seconds or a single espresso of 25-30ml in the same time.
Before you connect the filterholder (loaded with coffee) to your espresso machine it is a good idea to flush some water from the machine. This stabilizes the brewing temperature while also clearing any stray coffee from the brewing group.
Connect the filterholder and immediately start brewing the coffee, don't let the filterholder sit in the machine "cooking" the coffee. Place your cup(s) under the filterholder outlet(s) and after a few seconds beautiful espresso should begin to flow.
"If the dose, grind, and tamp are correct then the extraction should produce a single espresso of 25-30ml in 25-30 seconds or a double espresso of 50-60ml in 25-30 seconds."
If the extraction is not quite right, make a small adjustment to your grind while keeping your dose and tamp consistent. Repeat the extraction process and keep adjusting the grind until you achieve the correct extraction.
Great espresso should be sweet and smooth with a dark rich brew topped with a layer of fine golden crema. Once you have your grind, dose, and tamp dialed in correctly you should be able to produce consistently great espresso time after time.